January 6, 2024

January 6, 2024

January 6, 2024

January 6, 2024

Changing Lives, Starting with Mine

Changing Lives, Starting with Mine

Changing Lives, Starting with Mine

Changing Lives, Starting with Mine

It has variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even

It has variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even

It has variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even

It has variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Back in 2018, when I was all about making money and dreaming of an early retirement, something big happened. I went to Mexico to visit an orphanage, and it turned everything upside down for me. I was 27, running my real estate business, and honestly, I thought I had it all figured out. The goal was to get rich and enjoy life. But that day at the orphanage showed me what I was missing.

Seeing poverty up close, kids running around without shoes, and how happy they were just to have clean water – it was a wake-up call. We decided to help out by buying a bunch of groceries for the orphanage. Filling up those shopping carts and seeing the shelves stocked with food made me think differently about everything.

I had so much – a nice house, a new truck, plenty to eat – and yet, I felt like something was missing. Meanwhile, these kids had so little but seemed so full of life. It made me realize that more money wasn't going to make me happier. What mattered was how I used it.

That's when it hit me: What if I stopped chasing money for myself and started using it to make a difference? What if I could use my skills to help others instead of just filling my own pockets?

From that moment on, my whole approach changed. I wasn't just after becoming a millionaire anymore. I wanted to be someone who gave millions away. I started to see money as a tool to help others, not just myself.

And you know what? If you ever think money can't buy happiness, try buying groceries for an orphanage. It might just be one of the happiest moments of your life.

Now, I look at money differently. It's not just for me; it's for making a difference. I've used my business to help where I can, and it's been amazing.

I'm not just trying to make a fortune now; I'm trying to give one away. And I'm looking for folks who feel the same way, who want to make an impact. We call it our Impact Circle, and it's all about helping people and making a real difference, not about what we own.

So, if you're into making the world a better place and using what you've got to do good, come join us. Let's make an impact together.

Surround yourself with like minded philanthropic entrepreneurs!

Join the Impact Circle to connect with other like minded business owners that help grow your impact, create new partnerships, and keep you accountable to the impact you want to make!

Surround yourself with like minded philanthropic entrepreneurs!

Join the Impact Circle to connect with other like minded business owners that help grow your impact, create new partnerships, and keep you accountable to the impact you want to make!

Surround yourself with like minded philanthropic entrepreneurs!

Join the Impact Circle to connect with other like minded business owners that help grow your impact, create new partnerships, and keep you accountable to the impact you want to make!

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.