Hey there!

Before you jump into the kaleidoscope of opportunities we offer through our digital community, insightful podcasts, impactful charitable foundation, and expert consulting firm, let's get into the nitty-gritty of how we can all make this experience enjoyable, meaningful, and, above all, fair.

Hey there!

Before you jump into the kaleidoscope of opportunities we offer through our digital community, insightful podcasts, impactful charitable foundation, and expert consulting firm, let's get into the nitty-gritty of how we can all make this experience enjoyable, meaningful, and, above all, fair.

What We're All About

At GoBigtoGiveBig, we pride ourselves on creating spaces for growth, learning, and impactful change. Whether you're here to gain insights from our podcasts, connect with like-minded individuals in our digital community, make a difference through our charity, or elevate your business with our consulting expertise, we're here to support you.

Joining Our Community

  • Who Can Participate: We aim to be inclusive, but if there are legal age requirements, we'll let you know. It's all about making sure we're on the right side of the law.

  • Creating an Account: To fully engage with our community, you might need to create an account. It's straightforward—just provide some basic info, choose a secure password, and you're set. Prefer to stay in the background? Certain areas of our site are available without signing up.

Sharing and Interaction

  • Your Contributions: Our community thrives on sharing. Feel free to contribute your thoughts and content, keeping in mind the importance of respect and positivity. We're all here to learn and grow.

  • Community Guidelines: We foster a respectful and constructive environment. That means we expect all interactions to be polite, considerate, and free of anything that could be deemed offensive. Let's create a space where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Subscriptions and Services

  • Membership Details: Interested in exclusive content or services? We offer digital subscriptions. Just a heads up—once you're in, we don't offer refunds, but you can cancel anytime. Make sure you're ready to commit!

  • Consulting Services: For those seeking our consulting expertise, please refer to our Master Services Agreement at [MSA Link]. It covers all the specifics of our professional engagement.

Resolving Issues

  • Dispute Resolution: Should any issues arise, we're all about resolving them amicably. Based in BC, we lean towards mediation or arbitration to sort out any disputes, ensuring a fair process for everyone involved.

The Nitty-Gritty Legal Bits

  • Liability: While we strive for perfection, we're also realistic. Our liability is capped at what you've paid us over the past 12 months. As for the big, unforeseen stuff—like indirect damages—we've got to limit our responsibility. It's about protecting our ability to serve our community effectively.

  • Your Agreement: By using our services, you're agreeing to these terms, which form the backbone of our mutual understanding and ensure a smooth, enjoyable experience for all.

Ready to Chat?

If you've got questions, feedback, or just want to say hi, we're here for it. Reach out, and let's make conversation part of what makes our community great.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.