From the Founder

From the Founder

From the Founder

From the Founder

Hey, I'm Randy!

They say money can't buy you happiness. While I do agree that more money won't bring you more happiness, I challenge the idea that money can't buy you happiness.

Let me explain why:

in 2018 I was going to Mexico to go spend a day at an orphanage with children that had been saved from child sex trafficking. It was emotional and powerful to be present with these kids knowing what they had overcome and the abuse they had been through.

While I was there I asked the owner of the non-profit how we could make the kids feel special. He said that they loved ice cream and so we bought $50 worth of ice cream and gave it to these kids that had been through some of the most cruel things in life. Watching them forget about their past and enjoy that ice cream was one of the most empowering moments of my life. It was in that moment that I realized for $50, I could buy happiness for them, but also for myself. Watching those kids be so happy with such a small thing after all they had been through made me realize that if it was only $50 to fill my heart with joy why couldn't I buy them ice cream every week?

That is when I truly experienced the impact that philanthropy could have and the power of mixing my skills as an entrepreneur to make money with the ability to do more good in the world.

It is in these moments that I realized, the bigger I go, the more I can give. I need to #GoBigtoGiveBig.

This movement is for the people that truly want to make a difference in the world and why we hope you will join us on our mission to redefine capitalism and choose to build a business that stops chasing income and starts chasing impact.


Randy Molland
Founder & Chief Giving Officer

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© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.