Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by. We know privacy policies can be a bit of a snooze-fest, but we promise to keep it light, informative, and as jargon-free as possible. After all, you’re trusting us with your info, and we take that seriously. So, let’s dive into the what, why, and how of the data we collect and what it means for you.

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by. We know privacy policies can be a bit of a snooze-fest, but we promise to keep it light, informative, and as jargon-free as possible. After all, you’re trusting us with your info, and we take that seriously. So, let’s dive into the what, why, and how of the data we collect and what it means for you.

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by. We know privacy policies can be a bit of a snooze-fest, but we promise to keep it light, informative, and as jargon-free as possible. After all, you’re trusting us with your info, and we take that seriously. So, let’s dive into the what, why, and how of the data we collect and what it means for you.

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by. We know privacy policies can be a bit of a snooze-fest, but we promise to keep it light, informative, and as jargon-free as possible. After all, you’re trusting us with your info, and we take that seriously. So, let’s dive into the what, why, and how of the data we collect and what it means for you.

So, What's the Deal with Your Data?

We gather info to make our services top-notch for you and to keep improving what we do. Here's a quick rundown of what we collect and why:

  • Who You Are: We’re talking names, email addresses, and company names. It’s all about giving you a more personalized experience.

  • Tech Stuff: Ever wonder how websites remember your preferences? That’s cookies and other tech magic at work. It helps us make your visit smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Chit-Chat Records: If you drop us a line or give us a shout, we keep that info to respond to you and keep the conversation going.

How Do We Collect This Stuff?

  • Straight from You: When you sign up, get in touch, or share your details with us.

  • Automatically: Our website’s smart like that. It picks up on how you use it so we can make things better for you.

And What Do We Do with It?

  • Improve our services, so they keep getting better for you.

  • Keep you in the loop with updates and important info.

  • Help out if you’ve got questions or need support.

And What Do We Do with It?

  • Improve our services, so they keep getting better for you.

  • Keep you in the loop with updates and important info.

  • Help out if you’ve got questions or need support.

And What Do We Do with It?

  • Improve our services, so they keep getting better for you.

  • Keep you in the loop with updates and important info.

  • Help out if you’ve got questions or need support.

And What Do We Do with It?

  • Improve our services, so they keep getting better for you.

  • Keep you in the loop with updates and important info.

  • Help out if you’ve got questions or need support.

Sharing: What’s Ours Is Yours... But Not Anyone Else’s

Your info is safe with us. We don’t sell it, trade it, or give it away. The only times we share it are:

  • With Helpers: Sometimes, we need a hand from other companies (like HubSpot for customer chats or Framer for making our website look good). We make sure they’re as serious about privacy as we are.

  • When We Have To: If the law says so, or it’s necessary to protect our rights, we might have to share some details.

  • Big Changes: If we ever merge with another company or get bought out, we’ll make sure your info is still protected.

Going Global

Our digital world knows no borders, so your info might travel a bit — always securely and with your privacy as the top priority.

Keeping Your Data Safe

Imagine your info is a treasure (because it is). We guard it like one, with all the digital locks and keys to keep it safe from pirates.

Your Rights, Your Rules

You’ve got the power! You can peek at, change, or even ask us to delete your info. Just say the word, and we’ll make it happen.

Cookies, Not Just a Tasty Snack

Yep, we use cookies — they make your online journey with us smoother. You can manage them if you like, but they’re pretty helpful.

Change Is the Only Constant

We’ll update this page if anything changes. Keep an eye out for the latest on how we protect your privacy.

Got Questions? Let’s Talk!

Curious about something or want to chat about your privacy? Drop us a line at hey@givebigstrategies.com. We’re all ears!

Keeping Your Data Safe

Imagine your info is a treasure (because it is). We guard it like one, with all the digital locks and keys to keep it safe from pirates.

Keeping Your Data Safe

Imagine your info is a treasure (because it is). We guard it like one, with all the digital locks and keys to keep it safe from pirates.

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© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 GoBigtoGiveBig. All Rights Reserved.